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Alejandra María Pérez Sastre, PhD.

Services direction Manager in Sistemas Genómicos- Member of SYNLAB group. 
Graduated in Biochemistry from the University of Salamanca.
PhD in Molecular Pharmacology and Cellular Biology from the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
Master in Biotechnology Business Management.

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She began as a researcher at the Institut für Chemie und Biochemie of the Freie Universität of Berlin through a grant from the “La Caixa” Foundation to carry out a thesis on the molecular mechanisms of pain transmission. 

In 2008 she obtained the PhD in Molecular Pharmacology and Cell Biology from the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Her doctoral thesis was completed within the program “Graduiertenkolleg: Mechanism of Vascular Regulation” focusing on the analysis of the reprogramming of smooth muscle cells in arteriosclerosis. She moved to Spain as a postdoctoral researcher in protein biochemistry for 6 years at the Príncipe Felipe Research Center (CIPF) and FibroStatin S.L. where she participated in the design and development of a drug against lung and breast cancer.

Thanks to her knowledge in Biohealth Innovation, she joined Innomedyx, a private Translational Research Center where she performed the functions of project coordination and management, as well as scientific consulting, being the deputy director of the Clinical Innovation Chair at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

She is currently responsible for the Service direction team, focusing her work on the development, monitoring, advice and training of all topics related to Sistemas Genomicos services and products including the GeneSGKits and the platform for the management of NGS data, GeneSystems©.