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Univ. Prof Dr med Winfried März

Dr März has a strong background in clinical and laboratory research. He received his training in laboratory medicine at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, and his habilitation at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg, Germany.

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Dr März has a strong background in clinical and laboratory research. He received his training in laboratory medicine at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, and his habilitation at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg, Germany.

He holds an active full professorship at the Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics at the Medical University Graz, Austria, and is a working group leader at Medical Clinic V (Nephrology, Hypertensiology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology, Diabetology), Medical Faculty Mannheim, 
University of Heidelberg, Germany. He is also the Director of Academy and Business Development Manager at SYNLAB Germany.

With more than 850 publications listed on PubMed (and approximately 1200 on the Web of Science), papers in all top-ranked cardiovascular journals and over 35.000 citations he is among the most influential European researchers. He is also on the world-wide Clarivate Analytics list of “highly cited researchers” in the category “Cross-Field Performance”. For many years, he has been the leading scientist in laboratory medicine in the German speaking countries (DACH) (https://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/ranking/R16_04/index2.php) and is among the most frequently cited scientists in the fields of genetics (https://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/ranking/R18_04/index2.php), cardiology (https://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/ranking/R19_06/index2.php), and endocrinology https://www.laborjournal.de/rubric/ranking/R19_09/index2.php

Dr März is the principal investigator of the Ludwigshafen Risk Factor and Cardiovascular Health Study (LURIC) which has established the basis for the development of the CoroPredict algorithm Coropredict®-Test: SYNLAB Labordienstleistungen and has been a member of the steering committee of the 4D trial (Die Deutsche Diabetes Dialyse Studie). His research has been funded by the European Commission (6th Framework Program, Integrated Project Bloodomics, Grant LSHM-CT-2004-503485; 7th Framework Program, Integrated Projects AtheroRemo, Grant no. 201668, and RiskyCAD, Project no. 305739) the Wissenschaftsinitiative Oberrhein (Project Genetic Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Diseases), the German Ministry of Education and Research (Project AtheroSysMed), the German Ministry of Economy (Coropredict, EXIST research transfer, 03EFBRP010), European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the ERA-Net Cofund action N° 727565 (OCTOPUS) and the German Ministry of Education and Research (grant number 01EA1801A), and by major research grants from the pharmaceutical industry (Pfizer, Bayer Vital GmbH, Sanofi and AMGEN).

The scientific interest of Dr März has for a long time been in rare disorders of lipid metabolism, epidemiology, atherosclerosis, and prevention. He very recently and successfully set up the largest registry for familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) in Germany ((CaReHigh) www.dach-praevention.eu/familiaere-hypercholesterinaemie/care-high-kaska-denscreening/) which has by now recruited 2300 FH patients and has become the German branch of the European Atherosclerosis Society FH Study Collaboration.